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Prep-Less Washing Package

blastIT High-Pressure Prep Arch

Winter brings the challenges of snow, salt, dirt, and grime, leading to the need for extra hands on deck. What if you could eliminate the need for additional employees, even in the peak of winter?

Embrace winter with Hoffman innovateIT’s integrated solution designed to help your car wash run smoother, faster, and more efficiently.

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blastIT High-Pressure Prep Arch

Winter brings the challenges of snow, salt, dirt, and grime, leading to the need for extra hands on deck. What if you could eliminate the need for additional employees, even in the peak of winter?

Embrace winter with Hoffman innovateIT’s integrated solution designed to help your car wash run smoother, faster, and more efficiently.

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blastIT High-Pressure Prep Arch

Winter brings the challenges of snow, salt, dirt, and grime, leading to the need for extra hands on deck. What if you could eliminate the need for additional employees, even in the peak of winter?

Embrace winter with Hoffman innovateIT’s integrated solution designed to help your car wash run smoother, faster, and more efficiently.

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Reclaim Webinar

Reclaim Water Treatment System

Learn about innovateIT’s all-new Reclaim Water Treatment System and its ability to produce high-quality, odorless reclaim water while saving you on water, electrical and chemical usage.

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Reclaim Distributor Webinar

Reclaim Water Treatment System

Learn about innovateIT’s all-new Reclaim Water Treatment System and its ability to produce high-quality, odorless reclaim water while saving you on water, electrical and chemical usage.

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Showing 1–10 of 15 results


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  • Fuji FRN0004C2S-4UFRENIC-Mini 1 hp
    Fuji FRN0004E2S-4GBFRENIC-Ace 1 hp
    Fuji FRN0006E2S-4GBFRENIC-Ace 2 hp
    Fuji FRN010G1S-4UFRENIC-Mega 10 hp
    Fuji FRN020G1S-4UFRENIC-Mega 20 hp
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Interested in using our waterjet cutting services? Complete the form to request more information. 

  • function SvgDhtupload2(props) { return /* @__PURE__ */ react.createElement("svg", dhtupload_svg_extends({ width: 54, height: 47, xmlns: "" }, props), dhtupload_svg_path || (dhtupload_svg_path = /* @__PURE__ */ react.createElement("path", { d: "M40.213 10.172c1.897.21 3.68.738 5.35 1.58a15.748 15.748 0 0 1 4.374 3.242 15.065 15.065 0 0 1 2.951 4.533c.72 1.704 1.08 3.522 1.08 5.455 0 1.827-.28 3.654-.843 5.48-.562 1.828-1.379 3.47-2.45 4.929A13.39 13.39 0 0 1 46.669 39c-1.599.948-3.452 1.458-5.56 1.528H37.26a1.62 1.62 0 0 1-1.185-.5 1.62 1.62 0 0 1-.501-1.186c0-.457.167-.852.5-1.186.334-.334.73-.5 1.186-.5h3.848c1.44 0 2.75-.37 3.926-1.108a10.851 10.851 0 0 0 3.03-2.846 13.53 13.53 0 0 0 1.95-3.9 14.23 14.23 0 0 0 .686-4.321c0-1.582-.316-3.066-.949-4.454a11.623 11.623 0 0 0-2.582-3.636 12.857 12.857 0 0 0-3.742-2.478 11.054 11.054 0 0 0-4.48-.922l-1.212-.053-.37-1.159c-.878-2.81-2.292-4.998-4.242-6.562-1.95-1.563-4.594-2.345-7.932-2.345-2.108 0-4.005.36-5.692 1.08-1.686.72-3.136 1.722-4.348 3.005-1.212 1.282-2.143 2.81-2.793 4.585-.65 1.774-.975 3.68-.975 5.718h.053l.105 1.581-1.528.264c-1.863.316-3.444 1.317-4.744 3.004-1.3 1.686-1.95 3.584-1.95 5.692 0 2.39.8 4.462 2.398 6.219 1.599 1.757 3.488 2.635 5.666 2.635h4.849c.492 0 .896.167 1.187 0 .456-.158.852-.474 1.185-.316.334-.72.501-1.212.501h-4.849a10.08 10.08 0 0 1-4.374-.975 11.673 11.673 0 0 1-3.61-2.661 13.173 13.173 0 0 1-2.478-3.9A12.073 12.073 0 0 1 0 28.301c0-2.706.755-5.148 2.266-7.326 1.511-2.178 3.444-3.636 5.798-4.374.14-2.354.658-4.542 1.554-6.562.896-2.02 2.091-3.777 3.584-5.27 1.494-1.494 3.25-2.662 5.27-3.505C20.493.422 22.733 0 25.193 0c1.898 0 3.637.237 5.218.711 1.581.475 3.004 1.151 4.269 2.03a13.518 13.518 0 0 1 3.268 3.215 18.628 18.628 0 0 1 2.266 4.216Zm-11.964 13.44 6.22 6.85c.245.247.368.537.368.87 0 .334-.123.642-.369.923l-.421.263c-.211.246-.484.343-.817.29a1.544 1.544 0 0 1-.87-.448l-3.69-4.11v16.97c0 .492-.166.896-.5 1.212-.334.316-.729.474-1.186.474-.492 0-.896-.158-1.212-.474-.316-.316-.474-.72-.474-1.212V28.25l-3.584 4.005a1.544 1.544 0 0 1-.87.448.959.959 0 0 1-.87-.29l-.42-.264c-.247-.28-.37-.588-.37-.922 0-.334.123-.624.37-.87l6.113-6.746v-.052l.421-.422a.804.804 0 0 1 .396-.29c.158-.053.307-.079.448-.079.175 0 .333.026.474.", fill: "none" }))); }
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Tunnel Equipment


High-Pressure Prep Arch


High-Pressure Rinse Arch


Presoak Arch


Hot Wax Arch


Follow Along Wheel Blaster


Applicator Arch

Backroom Equipment


Chemical Delivery System


Water Treatment System

Reverse Osmosis

Spot-Free Rinse System


High-Pressure Pump Station

moveIT Hydraulic Unit

Conveyor Hydraulic Unit

Control Equipment


Motor Control Center


Tunnel Controller