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Author: Dan St-Jacques

Reverse Osmosis Spot-Free System


Eliminate Water Spots, Storage Tanks, and Costly Maintenance

Minimize Maintenance

Maximize Water Quality

Maximize Profits


RO spot-free rinse systems shouldn’t leave blemishes on cars or on your car wash’s reputation. You’re stuck battling water spots, frustrated customers, and inconsistent results.

Constant maintenance and adjustments have a direct impact on your bottom line. You’re wasting resources and impacting your customer experience.

It’s time to unlock unparalleled spot-free quality and convenience with our ultimate reverse osmosis solution.

Reverse Osmosis Spot Free Rinsing


Maximize Production

Large capacity membranes provide a reliable supply of spot-free water from 40 °F to 80 °F feed water

Maximize Efficiency

RO 'Flow on Demand' technology automatically adjusts RO production to meet your tunnel usage, eliminating the need for storage tanks

Maximize Quality

Easily serviceable carbon block filters remove chlorine and contaminants, producing high-quality spot-free water and prolonging the life of the system


As car wash operators with over 50 years of experience operating exterior, full service, flex service, in-bay automatic and self-service locations,
we know the importance of having durable equipment that can deliver consistent, repeatable quality.
When we couldn’t find a reverse osmosis system that could keep up with demand and produce high-quality spot-free rinse water, we developed it ourselves. 

As car wash operators with over 50 years of experience operating exterior, full service, flex service, in-bay automatic and self-service locations, we know the importance of having durable equipment that can deliver consistent, repeatable quality.
When we couldn’t find a reverse osmosis system that could keep up with demand and produce high-quality spot-free rinse water, we developed it ourselves. 



Car wash operators often struggle with unreliable reverse osmosis systems that require constant maintenance and produce poor quality water.

innovateIT’s Reverse Osmosis Spot-Free Rinse System is engineered to produce high-quality spot-free rinse water on demand and help operators minimize maintenance, downtime, and water usage while maximizing consistency and profitability.

Ready to get started?

Car wash operators often struggle with unreliable reverse osmosis systems that require constant maintenance and produce poor quality water.

innovateIT’s Reverse Osmosis Spot-Free Rinse System is engineered to produce high-quality spot-free rinse water on demand and help operators minimize maintenance, downtime, and water usage while maximizing consistency and profitability.

Ready to get started?

Determine your current spot-free water usage, or contact us to help estimate your RO needs

Select between our Standard or High Flow unit and get a quote from our car wash experts

Start producing high-quality spot-free rinse water for multiple applications in your tunnel


High Flow
Standard Flow
Production (GPM)*
Reject Max (GPM)
Membranes (Qty)
Power Requirements
480VAC/3PH/30A FLA
Water Connections
1.5” FNPT Softened municipal supply
1.5” FNPT Reject
1.5” FNTP RO out to wash
Air Supply
3CFM @ 80-100psi
92” w x 72” h x 36.5” d
92” w x 72” h x 45” d

*Production rates based upon the supply of 77F softened water”


RO Product Flyer

RO Distributor Webinar 1

Reverse Osmosis

Learn about the new, revolutionary innovateIT Reverse Osmosis system, equipped with RO flow on demand technology that automatically adjusts RO production to meet your tunnel usage with no need for storage tanks.

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The continued rapid growth of the car wash industry and the increase in competition now make maximizing your marketing efforts more important than ever.

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Modern Car Wash Podcast S2E10 – Al West

Al West

Simoniz Northeast Sales Director Al West joins the Modern Car Wash Podcast to provide some insights on how operators can get the most out of the chemicals in their washes. With over 3 decades of experience in the car wash business and 25 years with Simoniz, Al is truly a chemical guru committed to getting operators dialed in.

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Modern Car Wash Podcast S2E9 – Matt DeWolf

Matt DeWolf

International Car Wash Association (ICA) Editor-In-Chief and Brand Officer Matt DeWolf joins the podcast, sharing his extensive knowledge on all things marketing.

The CAR WASH Magazine Live host covers everything from content strategy to mapping the customer journey to leveraging data, and everything in between.

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