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Category: Modern Car Wash Podcast

Modern Car Wash Podcast S1E8: Shane Groff & Dan St-Jacques

MCW Podcast Ep. 8

Modern Car Wash Podcast

innovateIT’s Director of National Sales & Innovation Shane Groff and Marketing Manager Dan St-Jacques recap their experience at the 2021 SCWA Convention & Expo in Forth Worth.

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Modern Car Wash Podcast S1E7: Bill Martin

Bill Martin

Modern Car Wash Podcast

With over 50 years in the car wash business Bill Martin, owner and operator of Metro Express Car Wash, shares his expertise on operational strategy, building successful brands and maximizing business value.
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Modern Car Wash Podcast S1E6: David Melhorn

MCW - David Melhorn

Modern Car Wash Podcast

David Melhorn, General Manager of Kleen Mist Car Washes in Central Pennsylvania, sits down for the latest episode of the Modern Car Wash. David discusses operating a family-owned business, satisfying the car wash needs of a rural population and shifting car wash models to address challenges created by COVID-19 and the current labor market.

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Modern Car Wash Podcast S1E3: AJ Davison

AJ Davison Modern Car Wash Thumbnail

Modern Car Wash Podcast

AJ Davison (Director of IT at Hoffman Development) discusses his ever-growing field and makes a case that every car wash needs its own IT staff. He also touches on cybersecurity and the future AI has inside the tunnel.

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Modern Car Wash Podcast S1E1: Tom Hoffman Jr.

Modern Car Wash Podcast with Guest Tom Hoffman Jr.

Modern Car Wash Podcast S1E1: Tom Hoffman Jr.

In the inaugural episode of the Modern Car Wash Podcast host Kevin Zalaznik sits down with Owner and CEO of Hoffman Development Tom Hoffman Jr. to discuss a wide range of topics, including operating in the COVID era, building an all-new, high-tech car wash, growing up in the industry, and what’s ahead in the near future.


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Tunnel Equipment


High-Pressure Prep Arch


High-Pressure Rinse Arch


Presoak Arch


Hot Wax Arch


Follow Along Wheel Blaster


Applicator Arch

Backroom Equipment


Chemical Delivery System


Water Treatment System

Reverse Osmosis

Spot-Free Rinse System


High-Pressure Pump Station

moveIT Hydraulic Unit

Conveyor Hydraulic Unit

Control Equipment


Motor Control Center


Tunnel Controller